We love seeing our scaffolding in use on job sites, whether they be here in Florida, in the Caribbean, or in the Bahamas. But we can’t always get out to check the job sites after delivery. So, while we love seeing our materials in use, we don’t often get a chance to.
That’s why we need your help! If you see Able Scaffold’s signature yellow scaffolding or post shoring materials on a job site, take a picture for us. If you upload that picture to social media, whether it be Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, you’ll earn yourself a free bucket on your next order!
Of course, there are rules. It can’t be your own job site, that’s too easy. You have to hashtag it properly (#ablescaffold) but can post it from either a personal or a business account. You have to snap your picture safely, meaning please don’t do it while you’re driving or in a dangerous place. Don’t forget to mention it when you order. And of course, while supplies last.
So? What will you fill your bucket with? This is our favorite so far!